inertial measurement unit
This data was collected during a validation study of our Torso-Dynamics Estimation System (TES). The TES consisted of a Force Sensing Seat (FSS) and an inertial measurement unit (IMU) that measured the kinetics and kinematics of the subject's torso motions. The FSS estimated the 3D forces, 3D moments, and 2D COPs while the IMU estimated the 3D torso angles. To validate the TES, the FSS and IMU estimates were compared to gold standard research equipment (AMTI force plate and Qualisys motion capture system, respectively).
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Industrial cyber-physical systems (ICPS), which is the backbone of Industry 4.0, are the result of adapting emerging information communication technologies (ICT) to the industrial control systems (ICS). ICPS utilize autonomous robotic arms to accomplish manufacturing tasks. These arms follow a certain predetermined trajectory during the task.
In this dataset, we present four files generated from a setup that contains two Universal Robot UR3e collaborative robotic arms:
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Shoulder Physiotherapy Activity Recognition 9-Axis Dataset (SPARS9x)
Suggested uses of this dataset include performing supervised classification analysis of physiotherapy exercises, or to perform out-of-distribution detection analysis with unlabeled activities of daily living data.
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This dataset consists of sensory data of digits, i.e., from 0 to 9. The dataset is collected from 20 volunteers by using a 9−axis Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) equipped marker pen. The objective of this dataset is to design classification algorithms for recognizing a handwritten digit in real-time.
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Recognition of human activities is one of the most promising research areas in artificial intelligence. This has come along with the technological advancement in sensing technologies as well as the high demand for applications that are mobile, context-aware, and real-time. We have used a smart watch (Apple iWatch) to collect sensory data for 14 ADL activities (Activities of Daily Living).
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