blood pressure

Blood pressure (BP) measurement is an indispensable parameter for diagnosing many diseases, e.g., heart attack, stroke, vascular disease, and kidney disease. All these disease sometimes lead to fatal injuries due to the failure of vital human organs. The measurement of BP using BP device has several inaccuracies due to the non-availability of SI traceable calibration systems, which can also meet the criteria of International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML) particularly OIML R 148 and OIML R 149 guidelines.
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A wide range of wearable sensors exist on the market for continuous physiological health monitoring. The type and scope of health data that can be gathered is a function of the sensor modality. Blumio presents a dataset of synchronized data from a reference blood pressure device along with several wearable sensor types: PPG, applanation tonometry, and the Blumio millimeter-wave radar. Data collection was conducted under set protocol with subjects seated at rest. 115 study subjects were included (age range 20-67 years), resulting in over 19 hours of data acquired.
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