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SDAS Research Group
Job Title: 
Digital Systems Design based on FPGA, Open-Source Processor, Open-Source Hardware, Edge Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Brain-Computer Interface.
Short Bio: 
Víctor Asanza, Ph.D. (EL Oro - Ecuador, 1986). Researcher in fields like Digital Systems Design based on FPGA, Open-Source Processor, Open-Source Hardware, Edge Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Human-Machine Interaction with a major research interest in Brain-Computer Interface. He was graduated as Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering on 2010 (ESPOL, Ecuador). He was graduated as Master in Automation and Industrial Control on 2013 and was graduated as Ph.D. in Applied Computer Science on 2022 (ESPOL, Ecuador). Currently, he collaborates as a Senior Researcher since June 6th, 2019, in the Smart Data Analysis Systems Group (SDAS GROUP). He performs research activities mainly within the framework of the research programs on intelligent embedded systems, open-source RISC-V processor, open-source hardware, FPGA, and Human-Machine Interaction.

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The 2 PHASE ENERGY METER 100A (2PEM-100A) is a power consumption monitor based on an embedded system. In the hope of promoting responsible energy consumption, we have decided to release this open source hardware project that was developed in the course "Development of Electronic Prototypes" at the ESPOL University. The 2PEM-100A allows to monitor the following parameters: Voltage (V), Current (A), Power (W), Frequency (Hz), Energy (KWh), Power Factor and Temperature (°C) of the 2PEM-100A.

Last Updated On: 
Fri, 12/02/2022 - 15:36
Citation Author(s): 
Adrian Bazurto, Víctor Asanza, Ronald Reyes,Douglas Plaza, Diego Peluffo-Ordóñez

The Temperature and Speed Control Lab (TSC-Lab) is an application of feedback control with an ESP32, an LED, two heaters, two temperature sensors, one direct current motor and an optical encoder as a revolution per minute (rpm) meter. The heater power output is adjusted to maintain the desired temperature setpoint. Thermal energy from the heater is transferred by conduction, convection, and radiation to the temperature sensor.


The Temperature and Speed Control Lab (TSC-Lab) is an application of feedback control with an ESP32, an LED, two heaters, two temperature sensors, one direct current motor and an optical encoder as a revolution per minute (rpm) meter. The heater power output is adjusted to maintain the desired temperature setpoint. Thermal energy from the heater is transferred by conduction, convection, and radiation to the temperature sensor.


This dataset includes the 3-day record (December 6 to December 8, 2020) of a plantation in the city of Guayaquil - Ecuador. This dataset includes the recording of the following variables: Relative Humidity, Environment Temperature, Soil moisture, Light intensity, and Rain Occurrence. An arduino uno module was used to record data, connected to the following sensors:


This repository includes the energy consumption data set of a Data Server that is running in the facilities of the Information Technology Center (CTI) of the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL). In addition, it includes Matlab scripts to perform the prediction of energy consumption. The data acquisition equipment was implemented in the Electronic Prototype Development Matter of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FIEC), based on the ESP32 hardware.


The data acquisition process begins with capturing EEG signals from 20 healthy skilled volunteers who gave their written consent before performing the experiments. Each volunteer was asked to repeat an experiment for 10 times at different frequencies; each experiment was trigger by a visual stimulus.


This is an initiative developed by FIEC-ESPOL professors. Temperature and Speed Control Lab (TSC-LAB) is an open source hardware development.


The electrodes are sensors capable of reading EMG signals or ocular myoelectric activity during eye movements [1]. For this purpose, two vertical electrodes and two horizontal electrodes were used, with a reference electrode on the forehead (See the figure). 10 subjects performed 10 pseudo-random repetitions of each of the following eye movements during the experiment: Up, Down, Right, Left, no movement (fixation in the center) and blinking.
