Standards Research Data

This contains three MATLAB codes of the numerical examples of the article, entitled "Data Collection versus Data Estimation: A Fundamental Trade-off in Dynamic Invariant Networks with Known and Unknown Models".
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Age, fasting and postprandial glucose and insulin levels of 3218 venezuelan women.
The data was retrieved in the Clinical Research Laboratory of the Caracas University Hospital, Venezuela, between 2009 and 2013
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Data of our paper, Expansion Coding for Performance and Lifetime Improvement on MLC STT-RAM.
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original response data for PGC/UGC comparison
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This folder contains two csv files and one .py file. One csv file contains NIST ground PV plant data imported from This csv file has 902 days raw data consisting PV plant POA irradiance, ambient temperature, Inverter DC current, DC voltage, AC current and AC voltage. Second csv file contains user created data. The Python file imports two csv files. The Python program executes four proposed corrupt data detection methods to detect corrupt data in NIST ground PV plant data.
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In controlled source electromagnetic (CSEM) modeling with well casings, it is common to assume that the current is flowing vertically in each casing, due to the large conductivity contrast between casings and their host media. This assumption makes the integration of the tensor Green's function relating the induced fields to source currents simple, since only the z-z component of the tensor needs to be considered. However, in practice, it can be improper to neglect the horizontal current effects in the casing without a close examination.
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This dataset is from the paper " Improving the Effectiveness of Metamorphic Testing through Metamorphic Relation Prioritization- Submitted to Transactions in Software Engineering" by Madhusudan Srinivasan, HongChuan Wang, Prashanta Saha, and Upulee Kanewala submitted to IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.
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In the Dataset, Curriculum Vitae and Indivisual Contributions (Shunji Kawamoto) are shown.
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