
The raw EEG signals are collected from seven adult participants (a~g, 4 males and 3 females, their ages range from 21 to 45, the average age is 24.71 and the average deviation is 6.49). None of them has a case history of brain injury or brain disease. the "EMOTIV EPOC+"EEG head-worn device is employed, which has a total of 14 channels, namely: AF3, AF4, F3, F4, F7, F8, FC5, FC6, T7, T8, P7, P8, O1 and O2. The sampling frequency is 128Hz and the signals can generate 128 sample points per second per channel. 



Static analysis is increasingly used by companies and individual code developers to detect bugs and security vulnerabilities. As programs grow more complex, the analyses have to support new code concepts, frameworks and libraries. However, static-analysis code itself is also prone to bugs. While more complex analyses are written and used in production systems every day, the cost of debugging and fixing them also increases tremendously.


Desktops and laptops can be maliciously exploited to violate privacy. In this paper, we consider the daily battle between the passive attacker who is targeting a specific user against a user that may be adversarial opponent. In this scenario, while the attacker tries to choose the best vector attack by surreptitiously monitoring the victim’s encrypted network traffic in order to identify user’s parameters such as the Operating System (OS), browser and apps. The user may use tools such as a Virtual Private Network (VPN) or even change protocols parameters to protect his/her privacy.


One important topic to work is to create a good set of malicious web characteristics, because it is difficult to find one updated and with a research work to support it .


