Power and Energy

The insulation of the power transmission systems experience stresses due to overvoltages and hence the insulation design of Extra High Voltage and Ultra High Voltage systems depend on the switching overvoltages rather than lightning overvoltages. Insulation failure probability under switching overvoltages is the main impressive concern in the estimation of switching surge flashover rate. .
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This dataset refers to the case study performed in the paper "A Real Options Market-Based Approach to Increase Penetration of Renewables", submitted to IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. The file contains the Midcontinent ISO data used for the day-ahead prices, as well as the wind data from NREL's Wind Integration National Dataset Toolkit which was used to estimate the renewable productions in the case study.
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The ZIP file Data_Models_Programs includes two folders:
1. WindSpeedData folder incluses the wind speed data of 10 min interval measured from two acutal wind farms and the programs for establishing a wind speed combination model (WSCM).
2. WindFarmModels folder includes 4 data files (in the Matfile subfolder), 6 detailed or aggregated models of a actual wind farm, and 16 program files for establishing the aggregated model of the wind farm via three methods.
All the files were created in Matlab 2016b.
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This paper proposes a multiple-receiver inductive power transfer platform which is capable of controlling the load voltages to satisfy individually rated values and stabilizing the load voltages against the load variations. In the proposed charging platform, multiple transmitting resonators are employed to support a voltage-driven source resonator in manipulating the energy flows toward individual receivers. This structure also helps the voltage source induce constant currents into the transmitting resonators, and therefore, is able to deliver load-independent voltages to the loads. As a r
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The dataset contains measurements taken from four air handling units (AHU) installed in a medium-to-large size academic building. The building is a 7-story, 9000 sqm facility commissioned in 2016 hosting the PRECIS research center. It contains multiple research laboratories, multifunction spaces, meeting rooms, and a large auditorium as well as administrative offices. It is located at 44°2606.0N and 26°0244.0E in a temperate continental climate with hot summers and cold winters. Cooling is handled using on-site electric chillers while heating is provided from a district heating network.
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A coupled inductor based buck-boost type single phase transformerless grid connected photo voltaic inverter which is having the ability to extract maximum power simultaneously from two serially connected subarrays is proposed in this paper. The series connection of the two subarrays, and the buck-boost nature of the inverter result in reduction of the number of modules which are connected in series in a subarray.
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Datasets contain survey data of 873 rural poor households in the states of Maharashtra, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, and Rajasthan.
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Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Shandong University
Dataset for "An artificial fusion intelligence-driven approach to energy-aware scheduling of stochastic nonlinear heterogeneous super-systems”
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This is the data of the identified parameters of practical series-series (SS)-compensated wireless power transfer (WPT) systems based on the Genetic Algorithm, Adaptive Differential Evolution, and two-layer Adaptive Differential Evolution. These data strongly validate the accuracy of the Adaptive Differential Evolution to identify the parameters of a two-coil SS-compensated WPT and the two-layer Adaptive Differential Evolution to identify the parameters of a three-coil SS-compensated WPT system. The data can be adopted as a reference for future investigations.
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