
Manual palpation of organs played a vital role in detecting abnormalities in open surgeries. However, surgeons
have lost this ability with the development of minimally invasive surgeries. This challenge led to the development of artificial sensors for palpating the patient's organs and tissue. The majority of research done is related to improving the measurement of tissue compliance by the development of versatile force sensors for surgical


Use of medical devices in the magnetic resonance environment is regulated by standards that include the ASTM-F2213 magnetically induced torque. This standard prescribes five tests. However, none can be directly applied to measure very low torques of slender lightweight devices such as needles. Methods: We present a variant of an ASTM torsional spring method that makes a “spring” of 2 strings that suspend the needle by its ends. The magnetically induced torque on the needle causes it to rotate. The strings tilt and lift the needle.
