
This is the pest image dataset. With this data set at hand, scientists or software engineers may create programs capable of recognizing when creatures harm farm produce. This breadth extends not only across different plants but also covers many types of bugs like aphids, leafhoppers, beetles , caterpillars etcetera providing a large diverse pool from which one can train models designed to detect pests. Arranging photos by pest species makes it easy for people looking into them understand what they should expect find.


The "Paddy Field Dataset Captured in Palakkad District, Kerala, India" is a comprehensive collection of geospatial and attribute data specifically focused on paddy cultivation within the Palakkad district of the Kerala state in India. This dataset encompasses a wide range of information related to paddy fields, including their spatial distribution, size, crop varieties cultivated, land management practices, and relevant contextual factors. Geographic Information System (GIS) technology has captured accurate geospatial coordinates, enabling precise mapping and analysis.


The "Paddy Disease Dataset" represents a comprehensive collection of data related to various diseases commonly found in paddy crops. Paddy, or rice, is a staple crop crucial for global food security. However, paddy crops are susceptible to a range of diseases that can significantly impact yield and quality. This dataset encompasses a diverse array of disease-related information, including disease types, symptoms, geographical distribution, severity levels, and potential management strategies.


CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing Tests to Tell Computers and Humans Apart). Only humans can successfully complete this test; current computer systems cannot. It is utilized in several applications for both human and machine identification. Text-based CAPTCHAs are the most typical type used on websites. Most of the letters in this protected CAPTCHA script are in English, it is challenging for rural residents who only speak their native tongues to pass the test.


Dataset including over 40,000 generated images of malicious binaries for malware classification in machine learning as outlined in NARAD - A Novel Auto-learn Real-time Fuzzy Machine Learning Anomaly Detection and Classification System.
