This research focuses on simulating a transformer
using electromagnetic field solver software: FEMM and COMSOL
Multiphysics®. These tools are used to simulate and extract
the model of a three-winding transformer. The primary objective
of the extracted model is to predict key magnetic parameters,
such as leakage and magnetizing inductances. These inductances
play a critical role in switch-mode power converter topologies,
ensuring proper operation and achieving high efficiency through
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Crowdfunding campaigns frequently fail to reach their funding goals, posing a significant challenge for project creators. To address this issue and empower future crowdfunding stakeholders, accurate prediction models are essential. This study evaluates the relative significance of diverse modalities (visual, audio, and text) in predicting campaign success.
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Power transformers are inevitably subjected to external short circuit impact during their service period. The electromagnetic force generated by the fault current may cause winding destabilization and collapse. The radial buckling of the inner winding accounts for a considerable proportion. Based on the effective contact of the sticks, the traditional analytical methods ignore the manufacturing deviation and operation impact (MDOI) characterized by assembly gaps and insulation shrinkage.
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This data-set consists of 3-phase differential currents of internal faults and 4 other transients cases for Phase Angle Regulators (PAR). The transients other than faults include magnetizing inrush, sympathetic inrush, external faults with CT saturation, and overexcitation conditions.
 PSCAD/EMTDC software is used for simulation of the internal faults and the transients.
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The dataset contains internal faults in power transformer and phase angle regulators (PAR) in a 5-bus interconnected system. It also has 6 other power system transients which include magnetising inrush, sympathetic inrush, external faults with CT saturation, capacitor switching, non-linear load switching, and ferroresonance. There are 88128 internal fault files and 12780 files of other transient disturbances. The faults and transients are simulated in PSCAD/EMTDC and the output files are in text format.
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