Systematic Literature Review

The supplementary material contains the digital replication package of the systematic literature review including the detailed protocol, the corpus of papers that were in- and excluded, the lists of references and citations for each relevant report, and the lists of connected keywords to the topics of MBSE and decision-making from scopus.


This dataset serves as replication package of the article "Migrating Software Systems towards Post-Quantum Cryptography - A Systematic Literature Review".
In the article, we conducted a systematic literature review which contains different phases of the search and selection procedure. 
These different stages are described in detail by this replication package in order to reproduce our results. 


Abstract—In the 2021 and later we know that the technology

will have key participation of to help us in all kind of tasks

mainly using internet connection, due the new normality.

Industry 4.0 has been one of the most relevant field. IoT as part

of it. This Systematic Literature Review (SLR) we will cover

the South America countries and their development status,

addressing the development categories and the Hardware that

has been cited on papers on the last 5 years.


<p><span class="fontstyle0">Software architecture is the most important determinant<br />to systematically achieve quality attributes in a software<br />system, including software performance. However there is no<br />comprehensive understanding of why and how to integrate<br />software architecture and performance analysis to guide research.<br />To fill this gap, this paper presents a systematic review of 83<br />studies.


This is the data analysis done for the paper titled "The Effects of Human Aspects on the Requirements Engineering Process: A Systematic Literature Review" (submitted to IEEE Transcations on Software Engineering). 


Code review is a widely used quality assurance technique. From the heavy-weight and manual process that it was first introduced as code review has evolved into a more light-weight and tool-assisted process overtime to support modern software development that demands frequent delivery of source code. A large body of research on code review support exists. To help to understand the state of nature, quality, and evaluation of existing code review support, we conducted a systematic mapping study, a form of systematic literature review (SLR).
