
The ability to estimate the probability of a drug to receive approval in clinical trials provides natural advantages to optimizing pharmaceutical research workflows. Success rates of a clinical trials have deep implications to costs, duration of development, and under pressure due to stringent regulatory approval processes. We propose a machine learning approach that can predict the outcome of trial with reliable accuracies, using biological activities, physico-chemical properties of the compounds, target related features and NLP-based compound representation.
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Component based software development (CBSD) is a trend in the indusrty. This dataset contains the size of the components in various softwares viz. WEKA, Apache crypto library, Apache Codec library and basic linear alebra library by M. Elsheimy. The first three are in Java and last one is in C# programming languages, From the WEKA repository, 11 packages have been considered,
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A dataset containing system and service performance metrics, and user-facing quality metrics generated by running load tests against a microservice-based system under varying environmental and service configuration conditons.
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Self-Admitted Technical Debt (SATD) is a form of Technical Debt where developers document the debt using source code comments (SATD-C) or issues (SATD-I). However, it is still unclear the circumstances that drive developers to choose one or another. In this paper, we survey authors of both types of debts using a large-scale dataset containing 74K SATD-C and 20K SATD-I instances, extracted from 190 GitHub projects. As a result, we provide 13 guidelines to support developers to decide when to use comments or issues to report Technical Debt.
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This dataset is a Verilog-a implementation of a dynamic compact model of ferroelectric capacitance. It can be run with a SPICE-type circuit simulator.
Researchers using this dataset should cite it as follows: Ning Feng, Hao Li, Chang Su, Lining Zhang, Qianqian Huang,Runsheng Wang, and Ru Huang, A Dynamic Compact Model for Ferroelectric Capacitance, IEEE Electron Device Letters, DOI: 10.1109/LED.2022.3141413
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