Many different methods have been proposed in the control and robotics literature for the control of robotics arms.
Our main aim is to provide a complete software and hardware platform which allow the statistical replication of our results and the experimentation of other more or less sophisticated control strategies and algorithms.
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These datasets are for requirement specification of the real projects in the software engineering scope.
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This dataset includes UWB range measurements performed with Pozyx devices. The measurements were collected between two tags placed at several distances and in two different conditions: with Line of Sight (LOS) and Non-Line of Sight (NLOS). The measurements include the range estimated by the Pozyx tag, the actual distance between devices, the timestamp of each measurement and the values corresponding to the samples of the Channel Impulse Response (CIR) after each transmission.
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When sleep matters for the promotion of heart health, multidisciplinary research is essential. The present dataset is fetched from the National Health And Nutrition Survey (NHANES), with the main consumption of carbohydrates, bedtime and waking hours, and High sensitivity C- Reactive Protein (HSCRP) translating cardiovascular risk. As the outcome variable, HSCRP records from 5,665 participants are available in this dataset for analysis purpose.
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This dataset consists of the source Matlab files (the m-files) which implement the computational Newton-like algorithm solving the reconstruction problem for the joint-references of the non-Standard and Generalized N-Trailers upon a prescribed reference path of the last trailer. A user can examine the effectiveness and properties of the algorithm by selecting one of the seven possible 3-trailer structures with various types of hitching.
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This data is for a compact terahertz (THz) spectrometer SPICE model based on the unified charge control model with distributed channel resistances, capacitances and Drude inductances.
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This dataset accompanies the paper titled CHASM: A Blockchain Software design pattern. It contains results of the performance tests on two different architectures, and the accompanying analytics source code that presents their comparison.
The .csv files are the result files. The .dta files are the stata equivalent, and the .do files are the Stata analysis files which analyses this dataset and outputs the .jpg images.
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Nextmed project is a software platform for the segmentation and visualization of medical images. It consist on a series of different automatic segmentation algorithms for different anatomical structures and a platform for the visualization of the results as 3D models.
This dataset contains the .obj and .nrrd files that correspond to the results of applying our automatic lung segmentation algorithm to the LIDC-IDRI dataset.
This dataset relates to 718 of the 1012 LIDC-IDRI scans.
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This DataPort contains supporting data of paper entitled Graph Representations for programmable photonic circuits for the Journal of Lightwave Technology. All unreachable nodes for the first graph are tested in the undirected graph with arbitrary negative weight. Unphysical paths are found on all 21 nodes. These same terminal nodes are validated in a directed graph with and without artificial nodes representing the same optical port overlapping each other.
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Five well-known Border Gateway Anomalies (BGP) anomalies:
WannaCrypt, Moscow blackout, Slammer, Nimda, Code Red I, occurred in May 2017, May 2005, January 2003, September 2001, and July 2001, respectively.
The Reseaux IP Europeens (RIPE) BGP update messages are publicly available from the Network Coordination Centre (NCC) and contain:
WannaCrypt, Moscow blackout, Slammer, Nimda, Code Red I, and regular data: https://www.ripe.net/analyse/.
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