Artificial Intelligence

The public UA-DETRAC data set was used to train the vehicle target detection model in this study. This data set was captured predominantly in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei area. Using a Canon EOS 550 camera, 10 hours of video were captured at 25 frames per second, and then the footage was processed. Each frame had a resolution of 960*540 pixels. The UA-DETRAC data set contained 8,259 manually labeled vehicles, with a total of 1,210,000 labeled vehicles. The labeled types included cars, buses, trucks, etc.


The dataset crafted for this study is intentionally designed to encapsulate instances of cyberbullying across three distinct languages: Urdu, Roman Urdu, and English. This strategic selection aims to mirror the linguistic variations that are prevalent in social media dialogues among Urdu-speaking communities globally. Further, it undergoes meticulous annotation to encapsulate the diverse linguistic nuances characteristic of these languages. This process includes integrating critical aspects of cyberbullying, such as aggression, repetition, and intent to harm.


This data is presented to showcase the experimental results related to the experiments conducted in our paper. Our paper introduces a multi-object tracking algorithm, which has been evaluated on the test sets of the MOT17, MOT20, and HiEve datasets.


Coming soon. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est la


This work selects two real datasets, namely Diginetica and Yoochoose. Diginetica is employed in CIKM Cup 2016, which contains user's transaction data. Yoochoose is released in Recsys Challenge 2015 as a public dataset and mainly consists of click data within six months. For better recommendation, we follow previous work and preprocess the real datasets. 


An experimental study was conducted on a high-voltage glass-type disc (LD-160) to investigate the effect of string arrangements on pollution and icing flashover characteristics. Two Artificial Neural Network (ANN) applications were developed to simulate and calculate the flashover voltage based on the experimental results. The test results showed that the inverted T-type arrangement can improve the pollution flashover voltage and increase the icing flashover voltage of insulator strings compared to the traditional arrangement of the I-string.


This data repository comprises three distinct datasets tailored for different predictive modeling tasks. The first dataset is a synthetic dataset designed to simulate multivariate time series patterns, incorporating both linear and non-linear dependencies among input and target features. The second dataset, the Beijing Air Quality PM2.5 dataset, consists of PM2.5 measurements alongside meteorological data like temperature, humidity, and wind speed, with the objective of predicting PM2.5 concentrations.


The dataset contains integrating renewable energy sources into power grids, emphasizing the need for advanced data-driven optimization models for optimal power flow problems. The dataset, which includes comprehensive details on both load and generator buses, covering active and reactive power measurements and voltage magnitudes and angles for the modified IEEE 39 bus system with wind power integration, is ideally suited for data-driven power system analysis studies. The dataset was generated for a part of the experiments.


The 4-inch and 2-inch dataset are generated using random mover poses with single square coils. The sample sizes are 8 million and 9.6 million for the 4-inch and 2-inch datasets, respectively. The input and label data are min-max normalized to range between zero and one. The 20.6 million dataset file is created using the same wrench model (GT model), which has infeasible mover poses. The infeasible mover poses are scruntinized for the 4-inch and 2-inch dataset to make sure the PM is above the top surface of the coil.


This study assesses the viability of employing GPT-4, an artificial intelligence model, for generating personalized exercise therapies for knee osteoarthritis patients amidst increasing demand for rehabilitation services and constrained resources, especially in developing and underdeveloped countries. Fifty patients with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis, selected randomly from a group of one hundred and thirtytwo diagnosed between January 1st, 2023, and May 1st, 2023, received personalized exercise programs from GPT- 4.

