Power and Energy

The integrated power grid in USA is the largest in the world with the highest hourly power demand. In 2019, the highest hourly demand was more than 704 GW and the lowest hourly demand was less than 340 GW. The average daily variation in hourly demand is about 40% with respect to the highest hourly demand. A mathematical model is used to reduce the differential between peak and off-peak electrical power demand in this territory. The reduction is achieved with 5 time zones set up across US 48 states such that time difference between Far East and Far west is 4 hours.


This data contains a three-phase time-series load flow for 100 days with a 10-min interval. The distribution is located in the U.K.


The standard for measurement of solar irradiance utilizes the units of watts per meter squared (W/m2).  Irradiance meters are both costly and limited in the ability to measure low irradiance values.  With a lower cost and higher sensitivity in low light conditions, light meters measure luminous flux per unit area (illuminance) utilizing the units of lumens per meter squared or lux (lx).


Description of the proposed method is presented with the support of experimental videos.


Power transmission system losses can typically represent from five to ten percent of the total generation, a quantity worth millions of dollars per year. The purpose of loss allocation in the context of pool dispatch is to assign to each individual generation and load the responsibility of paying for part of the system transmission losses. Since the system losses are non-separable, non-linear functions of the real power generation and loads, the allocation of transmission loss is a challenging and contentious issue in a fully deregulated system.


An emission rate-based carbon tax is applied to fossil-fueled generators along with a Smart Grid resource allocation (SGRA) approach. The former reduces the capacity factors (CFs) of base load serving fossil-fueled units, while the latter reduces the CFs of peak load serving units.  The objective is to quantify the integration of the carbon tax and the SGRA approach on CO2 emissions and electricity prices in a multi-area power grid.


Data for 24-node, 54-node, 86-node, and 138-node test networks for reliability-oriented distribution expansion planning applications; and the results for 24-node and 54-node systems.


This data is related to the paper: "Energy hardware and workload aware job scheduling towards interconnected HPC environments". In includes two energy models for nodes equipped with Intel Gold and Platinum CPUs, and eight application's data, to be used to estimate runtime, energy, and power at different frequencies. For detailed information on the energy model and how to use it, please read the paper.

First model: 2x Platinum 8168 CPU [2.70GHz-1.20GHz]24C, TDP 205W, 12 x 16GB DDR4 SDRAM

Second model: 2x Gold 6254 CPU [3.10GHz-1.20GHz] 18C,TDP 200W, 12 x 32GB DDR4 SDRAM


The large variability of system and types of heating load is a feature of the commercial metering of thermal energy. Heating consumption depends on many factors, for example, wall and roof material, floors number, system (opened and closed) etc. The daily data from heating meters in the residential buildings are presented in this dataset for comparing the thermal characteristics. These data are supplemented by floors number, wall material and year of construction, as well as data on average daily outdoor temperatures.


*This datasheet is being updated progressively to provide more details.

This datasheet provides the phasor measurement data in actual power systems.

These PMU data were recorded during a Low Frequency Oscillation incident and a Short Circuit Incident, respectively.

These PMU data are used for the studies in wide-area control systems (WACS) and PMU data compressions.

Please cite this datasheet and the papers in your work if they help.

