Power and Energy

This paper proposes two new monitoring methods capable of detecting electrical disturbances in low voltage grids. Both approaches rely on machine learning techniques that classify voltage signals in the frequency domain. The first technique here proposed uses the Fourier Transform (FT) of the voltage waveform and classifies the corresponding complex coefficients through a Multilayer neural network with Multi-Valued Neurons (MLMVN). In this case, the structure of the classifier has three layers and a small number of neurons in the hidden layer.
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This vedio recorded the high voltage test of a medium voltage (MV) medium frequency transformer (MFT). The voltage was 12.4 kVrms with a frequency of 50 Hz, which lasted for 60 seconds. The transformer passed the test.
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The presented dataset is a hybrid solution between the simulated datasets and the ones based on real data. Furthermore, the main advantages and uniquenesses of the proposed work are: i) data variability, in terms of the operating states of the electrical loads and the adoption of appropriate consumption models; ii) the total number of available electrical parameters (433 in our case) enormously larger than the above-cited datasets, as the full analysis of frequency behaviors and harmonic computations; iii) the seasonality of the data.
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The failure of some electrical equipment is not due to high temperature but particular heat distribution and characteristics.
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Transient stability-constrained optimal power flow (TSCOPF) models comprehensively analyze the security and economic operation of power systems. However, they require a high computational effort and can suffer from convergence problems when applied to large systems. This study analyzes the performance of eleven numerical integration algorithms applied to ordinary differential equations that represent power system dynamics in a TSCOPF model.
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Analysis method of Dissolved gas in transformer oil based on EW Pentagon
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The dataset includes the measured impedance data of HVDC converters and DC cables in the paper "Stability and Sensitivity Analysis of Multi-Vendor, Multi-Terminal HVDC Systems", which is coauthored by Yicheng Liao, Heng Wu, Xiongfei Wang, Mario Ndreko, Robert Dimitrovski and Wilhelm Winter, and published by IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics. The research is funded by TenneT TSO GmbH and collaborated with Aalborg University.
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Automatic generation control (AGC) of power generation units aims at providing satisfactory responses of generated active powers to desired active powers dispatched from a power grid center. This paper proposes a method to estimate two frequently-used AGC performance metrics of response rapidity and accuracy. The proposed method is composed of two main parts . The first part selects step-like data segments as those being similar to a designed step-change time sequence, based on consecutive piece-wise linear representations of the desired active power.
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