Open Access
Aircraft Fuel Distribution System
- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- koorosh Aslansefat
- Last updated:
- Tue, 05/17/2022 - 22:21
- DOI:
- 10.21227/c0kw-c455
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The aircraft fuel distribution system has two primary functions: storing fuel and distributing fuel to the engines. These functions are provided in refuelling and consumption phases, respectively. During refuelling, the fuel is first loaded in the Central Reservation Tank and then distributed to the Front and Rear Tanks. In the consumption phase, the two engines receive an adequate level of fuel from the appropriate tanks. For instance, the Port Engine (PE) will receive fuel from Front Tank and the Starboard Engine (SE) will receive fuel from Rear Tank. Each of the tanks has a level sensor and a temperature sensor. They measure the level of fuel and the temperature of the tank, respectively. When the fuel level reaches a pre-specified level in the Front and the Rear Tank, they can draw fuel from the central reservation tank. Similar to the tanks, the valves have their own sensor to measure the rate of flow through them. Additionally, there are flow sensors attached to the pipes to measure the flow rate through the pipes. This dataset provides different failure scenarios and sensor measurements. For more detail please check the following reference.
Gheraibia, Y., Kabir, S., Aslansefat, K., Sorokos, I., & Papadopoulos, Y. (2019). Safety+ AI: A Novel Approach to Update Safety Models Using Artificial Intelligence. IEEE Access, 7, 135855-135869.
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The dataset has five parts, one normal and four abnormal scenarios.
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Very appropriate dataset