TWICE Dataset: Digital twin of test scenarios in a controlled environment

Citation Author(s):
Novicki Neto
Funk Drechsler
Parente Ribeiro
Submitted by:
Leonardo Novick...
Last updated:
Mon, 07/08/2024 - 15:58
Data Format:
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Ensuring the safe and reliable operation of autonomous vehicles under adverse weather remains a significant challenge. 

To address this, we have developed a comprehensive dataset composed of sensor data acquired in a real test track and reproduced in the laboratory for the same test scenarios.

The provided dataset includes camera, radar, LiDAR, inertial measurement unit (IMU), and GPS data recorded under adverse weather conditions (rainy, night-time, and snowy conditions). 

We recorded test scenarios using objects of interest such as car, cyclist, truck and pedestrian -- some of which are inspired by EURONCAP (European New Car Assessment Programme). 

The sensor data generated in the laboratory is acquired by the execution of simulation-based tests in hardware-in-the-loop environment with the digital twin of each real test scenario. 

The dataset contains more than 2 hours of recording, which totals more than 280GB of data.

Therefore, it is a valuable resource for researchers in the field of autonomous vehicles to test and improve their algorithms in adverse weather conditions, as well as explore the simulation-to-reality gap. 

The dataset is available for download at: \texttt{}


# TWICE_dataset

A better description of the dataset and how to use it can be found at:

This repository contains the updated scripts to open files of the TWICE dataset:

There is a python notebook named open_osi_files.ipynb that contain an example of how to manipulate the data.

You can use these scripts to project cuboids onto frames and save them in video files.

You can also save a single camera frame with or without the projected cuboids. 

Additionally, a script is available for converting LiDAR data from .osi to .ply point cloud format. 

For radar data, it is possible to create a video file that includes plot data from the radar, as well as the ground truth for both the ego and the object of interest.

# Requirements

- This scripts must be inside the folder TWICE, like this:


TWICE <br>

│ <br>

├── scripts <br>

├── Scenarios <br>

├── open-simulation-interface <br>



- Follow instructions of OSI Installation [available at here](

1. pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client


To ensure that this script works correctly, yoou will need to change the path in the TWICE_path.txt to reflect the location of the TWICE folder on your system. (path where the folder TWICE is stored in your system)