spatiotemporal analytics

The U.S. delay dataset is collected from Kaggle(, covering three years of flight data from January 1, 2017, to December 31, 2019. The dataset originally collected includes data from 360 airports. We remove airports with fewer annual flight numbers and select data from 75 medium and large airports for our experiments.


Bengaluru has been ranked the most congested city in India in terms of traffic for several years now. This hackathon is aimed at creating innovative solutions to the traffic management problem in Bengaluru, and is being co-organised by the Bengaluru Traffic Police, the Centre for Data for Public Good, and the Indian Institute of Science (IISc). The prizes are being sponsored by the IEEE Foundation.

Last Updated On: 
Thu, 10/17/2024 - 05:18
Citation Author(s): 
Raghu Krishnapuram, Rakshit Ramesh, and Arun Josephraj