
<p>Time-of-use (ToU) tariffs flexibly offer cheaper electricity prices to industrial and residential users during off-peak periods, encouraging them to shift their peak electricity demands in valley periods. Flow Shop Scheduling (FSS) model is one of the most prevalent models in manufacturing. To explore the significant role of ToU tariffs in manufacturing, this study addresses a novel bi-objective FSS problem under ToU tariffs.</p>
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This dataset contains the test instances used in the numerical experiment section of the paper "Scheduling Unrelated Parallel Batch Processing Machines Under Time-of-Use Electricity Prices".
Folder "time slot length = 30 mins" and "time slot length = 1 min" contains the test instances with the two different time slot lengths described in the paper.
In each folder, there are five subfolders named "TestInstance1", "TestInstance2",..., and "TestInstance5", which correspond to the five instances we generated for each parameter combination.
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The data set was used to produce three figures (Figs. 4, 5, and 6) in the experimental section of a manuscript submitted for review to the IEEE Communications Magazine. The submission, titled Lightweight Determinism in Large-Scale Networks, describes a novel approach to the realization of network determinism in packet-switched networks of generic size and topology.
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“ProVerif” is a powerful utility designed to examine “reachability properties,” “correspondence assertions,” and “observational equivalences.” Our protocol modelling addresses both the elemental security requirements, like “impersonation” or “replay” attack, and the most advanced ones, like “perfect forward secrecy” or “password guessing attack.”
Because we had a limited space in our published paper, the program source codes are provided here. The codes can be tested online at "".
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The script "numericalExample.m" obtains per-source average AoI and per-source age violation probabilities for First Source First Serve (FSFS), Earliest Served First Serve (ESFS) and Single Buffer with Replacement (SBR) policies for N sources using analytical models based on Markov Fluid Queues (MFQ). It is also possible to obtain the exact per-source CDF using this script. To do so, only the input parameters of used functions, namely "FSFS.m", "ESFS.m" and "SBR.m", in this script should be modified accordingly.
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Dataset for the paper
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Dataset for the paper
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