This dataset contains results of the 60 GHz indoor sensing measurement campaign using a bistatic OFDM radar based on 5G-specified positioning reference signals (PRSs). The data can be used for testing end-to-end indoor millimeter-wave radio positioning as well as simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithms, including channel parameter estimation. Beamformed PRS with dense angular sampling in transmission and reception allows efficient capture of line-of-sight (LoS) as well as multipath components.
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Channel frequency response (CFR) dataset used for "In-Situ Calibration of Antenna Arrays for Positioning With 5G Networks" paper (IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, in print, doi: 10.1109/TMTT.2023.3256532, preprint link:
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Three raw (i.e., In-Phase and Quadrature data with a software radio, and observation files) GNSS dataset were recorded using a LabSat Version 3 inside of the West Virginia University greenhouse and two outside recordings were also made to provide a quality reference and comparison. The outdoor location had to be an ideal location for satellite signal reception and the indoor location was a greenhouse room where satellite visibility was limited, susceptible to attenuation, occlusion and multipath.
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