Open Access
Raw GNSS Data Recordings Inside and Outside of a Greenhouse
- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Jason Gross
- Last updated:
- Thu, 05/13/2021 - 09:46
- DOI:
- 10.21227/6ghx-6r74
- License:
- Categories:
- Keywords:
Three raw (i.e., In-Phase and Quadrature data with a software radio, and observation files) GNSS dataset were recorded using a LabSat Version 3 inside of the West Virginia University greenhouse and two outside recordings were also made to provide a quality reference and comparison. The outdoor location had to be an ideal location for satellite signal reception and the indoor location was a greenhouse room where satellite visibility was limited, susceptible to attenuation, occlusion and multipath. These recordings are all static and were made using a LabSat V3, a multi-constellation GNSS simulator that allows recording and replaying real GPS/GNSS signals. The antenna used for this is a L1 patch GPS/GNSS antenna. These recordings were made at a time of the day (Noon) such that it was consistent and comparable for all data sets, they are approximately 1.5 hours long. In addition to the raw recordings, RINEX observation files after processing with the GNSS-SDR software and playing the data into a Novatel OEM-638 receiver are included for each data set. Post processed position solutions obtained with the open-source RTKLIB library are also included for reference. This research was supported in part by USDA NIFA Project: 2017-67022-25926.
GNSS-SDR: These recordings were also played back into a software defined receiver
(GNSS-SDR), using the L1_E1.conf file (Also attached) which allows Galileo signals in the
solution and obtained the following rinex files:
Note: These rinex files are in a 3.02 format.
• GSDR302c05.20O
• GSDR315b49.20O
• GSDR307x52.20O
• GSDR309n41.20O
• GSDR310p27.20O
Other useful outputted files by GNSS-SDR are also included in the Run folder.
RTKLIB: The rinex output files from NovAtel and GNSS-SDR were then post processed using
RTKLIB (rtkpost) ver.2.4.2. For RTKLIB the following settings were used.
• Position Mode/Solution Type: PPP Kinematic
• Combined filter type
• Iono-Free LC Correction/Broadcast
• Saastamoinen Tropospheric Correction
• Broadcast Satellite Ephemeris/Clocks (Used GPS and Galileo Broadcast ephemeris files and considered sp3 and clk from CDDIS/IGS)
The station and orbit files downloaded from CDDIS used to process the data are
included. Rtkpost outputs its solutions in a .pos and .stat file format. For post processing
of GNSS-SDR solutions, the output files are named GSDR#Month_#day and for
NovAtel are NV#month_#day. In this folder, .mat files for each day for NovAtel and
GNSS-SDR are also attached. These files contain the extracted data from the .pos and
.stat files so they can be analyzed in MATLAB. Output figures from Rtkpost are also
Dataset Files
Inside Greenhouse Recordings from 10-29-2020 (21.16 GB)
Inside Greenhouse Recordings from 10-27-2020 (19.06 GB)
Inside Greenhouse Recordings from 10-23-2020 (17.36 GB)
Outside Next to Greenhouse from 10-30-2020 (19.69 GB)
Outside 11-03-2020 (17.09 GB)
Documentation, GNSS-SDR configuration Other (218.83 kB)
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