Light-field microscopy

In order to contribute to the development of automatic methods for the detection of bacilli, TBimages is an image dataset composed of two subsets: TbImages_SS1 contains 10 images per field, of different focal depths, and aims to support the definition of autofocus metrics and also the development of extended focus imaging methods to facilitate the detection of bacilli in smear microscopy imaging.   TbImages_SS2  aims to support the development of automatic bacilli detection.


This dataset contains light-field microscopy images and converted sub-aperture images. 


The folder with the name "Light-fieldMicroscopeData" contains raw light-field data. The file LFM_Calibrated_frame0-9.tif contains 9 frames of raw light-field microscopy images which has been calibrated. Each frame corresponds to a specific depth. The 9 frames cover a depth range from 0 um to 32 um with step size 4 um. Files with name LFM_Calibrated_frame?.png are the png version for each frame.

