feature selection

This dataset consists of high-dimensional data streams collected from a cyber-physical 118-bus power system, offering a valuable resource for fault diagnosis and classification in large-scale smart grids.


Lantana flower, originally known as a parasitic and poisonous plant, is expansive to fill many livestock fields. Lantana data sets are open source and can be used by many researchers to create models with higher accuracy. currently the accuracy using this dataset has reached 99.8% using k-NN and preceded by feature extraction using VGG-16 Lantana flower, originally known as a parasitic and poisonous plant, is expansive to fill many livestock fields. Lantana data sets are open source and can be used by many researchers to create models with higher accuracy.


The data uploaded here shall support the paper 

Decision Tree Analysis of  ...

which has been submitted to IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (2020, September 25) by the authors

Julian Mattes, Wolfgang Fenz, Stefan Thumfart, Gerhard Haitchi, Pierre Schmit, Franz A. Fellner

During review the data shall only be visible for the reviewers of this paper. Afterwards this abstract will be modified and complemented and a dataset image will be uploaded.
