dielectric measurements
The dataset contains fitted three-pole Debye dielectric model parameters of 567 soil spectra. Three soils of loamy sand, sandy loam, and silt loam textures were tested. Of each soil, 20 samples of various water contents were prepared with the use of distilled water and potassium chloride solutions, 5 samples for each liquid. Air-dry samples were also prepared. Dielectric spectra were obtained with the use of a six-channel coaxial-transmission-line cell system at 9 controlled temperature steps from 0.5 to 40°C in the 0.02 – 3 GHz frequency range.
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VideoSupplement "SEM-assisted (LVEM-assisted) isopotential mapping of dielectric charging of the nonwoven fabric structures using Sobel–Feldman operator (Sobel filter)" for our article in russian journal (translated in English).
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