Channel Transfer Function
Several experimental measurement campaigns have been carried out to characterize Power Line Communication (PLC) noise and channel transfer functions (CTFs). This dataset contains a subset of the PLC CTFs, impedances, and noise traces measured in an in-building scenario.
The MIMO 2x2 CTFs matrices are acquired in the frequency domain, with a resolution of 74.769kHz, in the frequency range 1 - 100MHz. Noise traces, in the time domain with a duration of about 16 ms, have been acquired concurrently from the two multi-conductor ports.
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WiFi measurements dataset for WiFi fingerprint indoor localization compiled on the first and ground floors of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática, in Seville, Spain. The facility has 24.000 m² approximately, although only accessible areas were compiled.
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The frequency domain measurement of the scattering parameter, S21, of the wireless channel was carried out using the ZVB14 Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) from Rhode and Schwartz. The measurement system consists of the VNA, low loss RF cables, and omnidirectional antennas at the transmitter and receiver ends. The transmitter and receiver heights were fixed at 1.5 m. A program script was written for the VNA to measure 10 consecutive sweeps: each sweep contains 601 frequency sample points with spacing of 0.167 MHz to cover a 100 MHz band centered at 2.4 GHz.
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