The Web is essential for education and e-learning. This situation has been boosted by migration to distance education due to the SARS-CoV-2. However, students with disabilities have been seriously affected because online teaching is very often not accessible. For this reason, this research aims to evaluate the accessibility of the home pages of the web portals of the Ecuadorian higher education institutions ranked in the Webometrics with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 of the World Wide Web Consortium.
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The lack of accessibility on websites can result in people with disabilities not accessing information online. Therefore, this research aims to create a process model for continuous web accessibility testing by adapting and customizing three methodologies: Deming cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Act), Website Accessibility Conformance Evaluation Methodology (WCAG-EM), and Total Quality Management. The process model is composed of four phases.
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This paper introduces a novel model for the electric current dissipation through a horizontally stratified multilayer soil, for any point source location and calculated for every coordinate in space. The soil characteristic functions, which describe the application of boundary conditions for each layer transition
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The excel spreadsheet files provide access to a functional Arc Flash Calculator that includes various equipment configurations (VCB, VCBB, HCB, VOA and HOA), Incident Energy and voltage ranges.
As equipment’s configuration and input fields are presented, the user will be able to key entry specific data using the proper input fields and/or pull down menus provided. All variables and constants are defined. When all variables inputs have been entered, and proper equipment configuration has been selected, the Calculator will solve the equations and the answer is returned.
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The reliability of In-Si-O (ISO) thin-film transistors (TFT) to bias voltage-stress and photo-stress is studied. The ISO TFTs were developed with a fully photolithographic process, with a maximum temperature of 200 C. The TFTs typically showed a mobility of 5.03 cm$^2$/Vs, a threshold voltage, $V_{th}$, of -0.16 V and a subthreshold swing of 312 mV/dec. The TFTs were biased for up to four hours at different temperatures and illumination. Threshold voltage shifts were observed and modeled.
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Datasets contain survey data of 873 rural poor households in the states of Maharashtra, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, and Rajasthan.
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