Matlab files
In the wake of marine oil exploration and transportation, the accidents of oil spills have occurred
frequently around the world, which leads to the severe pollution of the marine environment and the
huge damage of coastal species [1–6]. On April 20, 2010, the explosion of Deepwater Horizon oil
drilling platform led to a severe leakage. Million barrels of oil polluted the Gulf of Mexico with the
area of about 10,000 square kilometers [7, 8]. Due to this accident, the marine ecosystems, such as fish
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A distributed protocol based on network exploration to discover multiple disjoint paths.
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It is often the case that the frequency response data of a system or a network is available and one wants to identify a linear equivalent from the frequency response data for time-domain simulations and other purposes. To this end, a variety of methods have been proposed, and the vector fitting (VF) method and the frequency-partitioning fitting (FpF) method are often used for electromagnetic transient (EMT) simulations of power systems.
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A continuous finite-time control scheme is introduced for bilateral teleoperation systems with asymmetric timevarying delays. Specifically, a non-smooth controller with fractional power based on the homogeneous method is developed to guarantee that the trajectory tracking error between the master and the slave converges to zero in a finite period of time.
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A continuous finite-time control scheme is introduced for bilateral teleoperation systems with asymmetric timevarying delays. Specifically, a non-smooth controller with fractional power based on the homogeneous method is developed to guarantee that the trajectory tracking error between the master and the slave converges to zero in a finite period of time.
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