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In this study, a primary IMU-based gait dataset has been collected from 30 participants using a MOTI goniometer. This device collects movement data related to specific joints depending on the location of the device. The MOTI sensor contains an IMU consisting of an accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer. Accelerometers measure acceleration the acceleration of the device, gyroscopes measure angular velocity of the device, and magnetometers measure the magnetic field of the Earth. In our study, the device was attached to arm and leg (thigh) positions.



There exist several commonly used datasets in relation to object detection that include COCO (with multiple versions) and ImageNet containing large annotations for 80 and 1000 objects (i.e. classes) respectively. However, very limited datasets are available comprising specific objects identified by visually imapeired people (VIP) such as wheel-bins, trash-Bags, e-Scooters, advertising boards, and bollard. Furthermore, the annotations for these objects are not available in existing sources.
