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This code is provided here for research purpose(s) only. You are allowed to use this code/data provided that you cite the following paper:

U. Lotrič, R. Pilipović, and P. Bulić, “A Hybrid Radix-4 and Approximate Logarithmic Multiplier for Energy Efficient Image Processing,” Electronics, vol. 10, no. 10, p. 1175, May 2021 [Online]. Available:


The images containing honey bees were extracted from the video recorded in the Botanic Garden of the University of Ljubljana, where a beehive with a colony of the Carnolian Grey, the native Slovene species, is placed. We set the camera above the beehive entrance and recorded the honey bees on the shelf in front of the entrance and the honey bees entering and exiting the hive. With such a setup, we ensured a non-invasive recording of the honey bees in their natural environment. The dataset contains 65 images of size 2688 x 1504 pixels.


The images containing honey bees were extracted from the video recorded  in the Botanic Garden of the University of Ljubljana, where a beehive with a colony of the Carnolian Grey, the native Slovene species, is placed. We set the camera above the beehive entrance and recorded the honey bees on the shelf in front of the entrance and the honey bees entering and exiting the hive. With such a setup, we ensured a non-invasive recording of the honey bees in their natural environment. The dataset contains 65 images of size 2688 x 1504 pixels.


This dataset contains images obtained in image processing experiments presented in our paper "A Hybrid Radix–4 and Approximate Logarithmic Multiplier for Energy Efficient Image Processing", which is currently under review. 


This code is provided here for research purpose(s) only. You are allowed to use this code/data provided that you cite the following papers:


R. Pilipović and P. Bulić, "On the Design of Logarithmic Multiplier Using Radix-4 Booth Encoding," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 64578-64590, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2985345.


For questions and suggestions, please email Ratko Pilipović (


This code is provided here for research purpose(s) only. You are allowed to use this code/data provided that you cite the following papers:


R. Pilipović and P. Bulić, "On the Design of Logarithmic Multiplier Using Radix-4 Booth Encoding," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 64578-64590, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2985345.


R. Pilipović, P. Bulić, and U.Lotrič, "A two-stage operand trimming approximate logarithmic multiplier" in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 2021.



This code is provided here for research purpose(s) only. You are allowed to use this code/data provided that you cite the following papers:

Pilipović, R.; Risojević, V.; Bulić, P. On the Design of an Energy Efficient Digital IIR A-Weighting Filter Using Approximate Multiplication. Sensors 2021, 21, 732.

For questions and suggestions, please email Ratko Pilipović (
