Wireless Networking
Dataset of UDP and TCP transfers between a moving car and an 802.11b access point.
Dataset of UDP and TCP transfers between a car traveling at speeds from 5 mph to 75 mph, and an 802.11b access point.
date/time of measurement start: 2005-03-14
date/time of measurement end: 2005-03-25
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Dataset of all visible APs of 13 hotspot locations in Seattle, WA over one week.
We measured the performance and application support of all visible APs at 13 hotspot locations around University Avenue, Seattle, WA, near the University of Washington over the course of 1 week.
date/time of measurement start: 2009-10-07
date/time of measurement end: 2009-10-15
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Channel energy levels from Wi-Fi networks as seen from a 802.15.4 radio.
We use a sensor network composed of TelosB motes deployed in the library building to collect RF energy level samples (RSSI) on all 802.15.4 channels in the 2.4 GHz ISM Band. The building has several collocated Wi-Fi networks in normal operation. These networks produce interference for the 802.15.4 radios. Sensor nodes record RSSI values every 20 us, simultaneously on all channels, for 130 ms and then write the result to the respective files. This process is repeated every 8 seconds for around 4h.
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Traces of network activity at OSDI 2006.
The authors gathered a detailed trace of network activity at OSDI 2006 to enable analysis of the behavior of a wireless LAN that is (presumably) heavily used.
date/time of measurement start: 2006-11-06
date/time of measurement end: 2006-11-07
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It is a large-scale data set of wireless network coverage for over 22,000 4G base stations in France. This data set is generated by applying VoronoiBoost and official sources of base station deployment. The data covers ten main metropolitan areas in the country, encompassing a variety of dense urban, suburban and rural areas.
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VPN session, DHCP log, and trap log data from wireless network at USC.
This dataset includes VPN session, DHCP log, and tcap log data, for 79 access points and several thousand users at USC.
date/time of measurement start: 2003-12-23
date/time of measurement end: 2006-04-28
collection environment: This data set was collected during 2003-2005 at the USC campus, where the number of WLAN users was over 4500.
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Adyton: A Network Simulator for Opportunistic Networks
Adyton is an event-driven network simulator, written in C++, for Opportunistic Networks (a.k.a. Delay-Tolerant Networks) that is capable of processing contact traces. The Adyton simulator supports a plethora of routing protocols and real-world contact traces, while also providing several congestion control mechanisms and buffer management policies.
File: adyton.zip
Website: https://github.com/npapanik/Adyton/
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Outdoor temperature data collected by taxis in Rome, Italy.
This dataset is to be used in conjunction with the roma/taxi dataset and provides the outdoor temperature of the areas in Rome where the taxis were located (289 taxicabs over 4 days).
date/time of measurement start: 2012-08-15
date/time of measurement end: 2014-02-04
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