
This dataset includes  the Channels Switch Sequences of 300 IPTV viewers in Guangzhou, P.R. China, in Augest, 2014.

There are 4 columns in the file, which represent viewer ID, the current channel number, th next channel number, the date of the month, respectively.

The first column, the ID code of a viewter, ranks with the times the viewer watched tv channels. The more times a viewer watches tv channels, the bigger

the ID is. In a day, the rows are time series and generated step by step as the real watching tv behavior. 






This table summarizes the results of our search of topics/categories on ACM DL and IEEE Xplore and lists the earliest relevant publication found in each topic/category along with the title, authors, direct links, and venue and/or remarks as appropriate.


The software industry is a very flexible phenomenon. Adding network concepts to this industry means we have countless actors with different roles on a single ground. Its players include software developers, customers, users, and software components. The purpose of this article is to create a better way to communicate between these actors.We can imagine software engineering different and more effective than the current situation.



The RSSI-Dataset provides a comprehensive set of Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) readings from within two indoor office buildings. Four wireless technologies were used:

  • Zigbee (IEEE 802.15.4),
  • WiFi (IEEE 802. 11),
  • Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and
  • Long Range Area-Wide Network (LoRaWAN).

For experimentation Arduinos Raspberry Pi, XBees, Gimbal beacons Series 10 and Dragino LoRa Shield were also used.  


Understanding software is an inherent requirement for many maintenance and evolution tasks. Without a thorough understanding of the code, developers would not be able to fix bugs or add new features timely.  Measuring code understandability might be useful to guide developers in writing better code, and could also help in estimating the effort required to modify code components. Unfortunately, there are no metrics designed to assess the understandability of code snippets. 


We recorded and extracted 833 jaw poses of a real person from 3-calibrated cameras. Each jaw pose corresponds to a rigid motion (rotation and translation) and is mapped to the Lie algebra of rigid motion, i.e., se(3). In the file "JawPose.txt", each row stores a jaw pose, corresponding to a 6-dimension vector in se(3), the first three is the rotation component, while the last three is the translation component.


This dataset contains user online reviews of two tourist places namely London' Parks and Art Museums.

London Parks Reviews

In this dataset, the top five most visited parks are selected, such as St. James' Park, Hyde Park, Regent's Park, Kensington Park and Greenwich Park. For each park, 600 reviews from Jan to Sep 2017 are present in CSV format.

London Art Museums


Machine learning is becoming increasingly important for companies and the scientific community. It allows us to generate solutions for several problems faced by society. In this study, we perform a science mapping analysis on the machine learning research, in order to provide an overview of the scientific work during the last decade in this area and to show trends that could be the basis for future developments in the field of computer science. This study was carried out using the CiteSpace and SciMAT tools based on results from Scopus and Clarivate Web of Science.


This paper presents an overview of Unidirectional

Loop Metamaterial (ULM) structures and applications. Mimicking

electron spin precession in ferrites using loops with unidirectional

loads (typically transistors), the ULM exhibits all the

fundamental properties of ferrite materials, and represents the

only existing magnetless ferrimagnetic medium. We present here

an extended explanation of ULM physics and unified description


of its component and system applications.


We introduce a novel algorithm for isotropic surface remeshing which progressively eliminates obtuse triangles and improves small angles. The main novelty of the proposed approach is a simple vertex insertion scheme that facilitates the removal of large angles, and a vertex removal operation that improves the distribution of small angles. Combined with other standard local mesh operators, e.g., connectivity optimization and local tangential smoothing, our algorithm is able to remesh a

