
A craniometry study was undertaken to obtain anthropometric measurements of three hundred and five (305) medical staff within Trinidad & Tobago which is a twin island republic situated in the Caribbean. A non-contact measurement method was used involving 3D scanning equipment to record the geometry of each subject’s head as a digital file. The digital files were then processed using CAD software to obtain measurements for twenty-two (22) facial points of interest. In addition, the gender of each staff member was recorded.


Anthropometric studies focusing on facial metrics and their proportions form an important research area devoted to observations of the appearance of the human skull. Many different applications include the use of craniometry for maxillofacial reconstruction and surgery. The paper and the associated dataset explores the possibility of using selected craniometric points and associated metric to observe  spatial changes during the maxillofacial surgery treatment.  The experimental dataset includes observations of 27 individuals.
