cellular measurement

The Berlin V2X dataset offers high-resolution GPS-located wireless measurements across diverse urban environments in the city of Berlin for both cellular and sidelink radio access technologies, acquired with up to 4 cars over 3 days. The data enables thus a variety of different ML studies towards vehicle-to-anything (V2X) communication.

The data includes information on:


This dataset provides wireless measurements from two industrial testbeds: iV2V (industrial Vehicle-to-Vehicle) and iV2I+ (industrial Vehicular-to-Infrastructure plus sensor).

iV2V covers 10h of sidelink communication scenarios between 3 Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs), while iV2I+ was conducted for around 16h at an industrial site where an autonomous cleaning robot is connected to a private cellular network.


We conduct to our knowledge a first measurement study of commercial 5G performance on smartphones by closely examining 5G networks of three carriers (two mmWave carriers, one mid-band 5G carrier) in three U.S. cities. We conduct extensive field tests on 5G performance in diverse urban environments. We systematically analyze the handoff mechanisms in 5G and their impact on network performance, and explore the feasibility of using location and possibly other environmental information to predict the network performance.
