
This <file> was prepared along with the establishment of the reference intervals for the hematological and biochemical parameters of the juvenile Visayan warty pig (Sus cebifrons negrinus). The determination of the reference intervals of the juvenile Visayan warty pig was significant, as these reference intervals have never been established for the purpose of assessing the health of this critically endangered species. The file contains six separate sheets featuring the raw and transformed data, as well as the calculated reference interval.
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simulation and experiment data
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There are three data sets, corresponding to analysis found on this manuscript "Quantification of Well Clear for autonomous small UAS".
1. final_results.dat - it contains sUAS flight encounters, with different well clear thresholds, but with the same alerting time thresholds.
2. al_resluts.dat - it contains sUAS flight encounters, with same well clear thresholds, but with different alerting time thresholds
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In the catering industry, one major challenge is the unknown short-term demand for dish portions. Meeting these demands is important for the industry but predicting future sales is a challenging task.
This data set presents sales of food portions from a canteen in absolute numbers of dish portions per day. In particular, the columns include text-based extractions of ingredients and a date. The data set is intended to be used for forecasting/predicting the food portions on a daily level.
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Cacheaccel Simulator trace files and project files are uploaded.
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Search-based software testing (SBST) is now a mature area, with numerous techniques developed to tackle the increasingly challenging task of software testing. SBST techniques have shown promising results and have been successfully applied in industry to automatically generate test cases for large and complex software systems. Their effectiveness, however, has been shown to be problem dependent.
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Shannon’s Index of Difficulty (ID), reputable for quantifying the perceived difficulty of pointing tasks as a logarithmic relationship between movement-amplitude (A) and target-width (W), is used for modelling the corresponding observed movement-times (MT_O) in such tasks in controlled experimental setup.
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This dataset includes the types of enteprise alliances, patent related to digitalization, market capitalization, research expense, profit margin, digitalization keywords searching index, shared platform, shared resources, governing mechanism, alliance stability, rewarding mechanism in ten industries
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Raw data files for Exp 1 and Exp 2: My virtual self: the role of movement in children’s sense of embodiment
Hayley Dewe*, Janna M. Gottwald*, Laura-Ashleigh Bird, Harry Brenton, Marco Gillies, & Dorothy Cowie (2021)
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