Standard Dataset
Dataset for the Calculation of Hematological and Biochemical Reference Intervals of the Juvenile Visayan Warty Pig

- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Myles Joshua Tan
- Last updated:
- Tue, 05/03/2022 - 22:43
- DOI:
- 10.21227/pqns-vv47
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This <file> was prepared along with the establishment of the reference intervals for the hematological and biochemical parameters of the juvenile Visayan warty pig (Sus cebifrons negrinus). The determination of the reference intervals of the juvenile Visayan warty pig was significant, as these reference intervals have never been established for the purpose of assessing the health of this critically endangered species. The file contains six separate sheets featuring the raw and transformed data, as well as the calculated reference interval.
Title of Dataset: Hematological and Biochemical Reference Intervals of the Juvenile Visayan Warty Pig
Available in:
Jacqueline Rose Alipo-on, University of St. La Salle,,
Francesca Isabelle Escobar, University of St. La Salle,,
Jemima Loise Novia, University of St. La Salle,,
Monica Marie Atienza, DVM
Correspondence and Project Advising:
Myles Joshua Tan, MS, MIEEE, MInstP, MIMA;;
Nouar AlDahoul, PhD;;
Date of data collection: 2021-06 to 2021-11
Geographic location of data collection: Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Keywords: reference interval, hematology, biochemistry, juvenile Visayan warty pig, Philippines
File List:
“Reference Interval for Online repository.xlsx” has six separate sheets:
“Hematology” Sheet (39R x 16C) and “Biochemistry” Sheet (37R x 17C) contain the raw data for the hematological and biochemistry parameters derived from automatic analyzers, respectively, as well as the descriptive statistics.
“Hematology Normality” Sheet (100R x 28C) and “Biochemistry Normality” Sheet (66R x 23C) contain the distribution of the raw data through a histogram and the result of Shapiro-Wilk test of each parameter of hematology and biochemistry.
“Hematology Power Transformation” Sheet (31R x 10C) and “Biochemistry Power Transformation” Sheet (62R x 17C) show the power transformation of the non-gaussian variables, along with diagrams that show their normalized distribution after transformation and their results after undergoing the Shapiro Wilk Test.
“Reference Interval” Sheet (18R x 10C) contains the computed reference intervals for the juvenile Visayan warty pig and the adult values derived from the textbook Fowler’s Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine.
This <file> was prepared along with the establishment of the reference intervals for the hematological and biochemical parameters of the juvenile Visayan warty pig (Sus cebifrons negrinus).
The determination of the reference intervals of the juvenile Visayan warty pig was significant, as these reference intervals have never been established for the purpose of assessing the health of this critically endangered species.
The file contains six separate sheets featuring the raw and transformed data, as well as the calculated reference interval.
Licenses/restrictions placed on the data:
You are free to share (copy, distribute, and use the dataset), create (produce works from the dataset), and adapt (modify, transform, and build upon the dataset) as long as you attribute use and works produced from the dataset. For any use or redistribution of the dataset, or works produced from it, you must make clear to others the license of the dataset and keep intact any notices on the original dataset.
Description of methods used for collection/generation of data:
Sample Collection
Blood sampling was performed in 30 juvenile, weaned, and unvaccinated warty pigs. Prior to blood extraction, physical examination was performed by a licensed veterinarian to ensure the pigs are healthy and do not display any signs of illness. In the blood extractions, pigs were not sedated and restrained by the snout. Blood drawn was placed in a tube containing ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA).
Methods for processing and analyzing the data:
The blood samples were taken to Santoceldes Animal Hospital in Bacolod City, Philippines and were subjected to hematological analysis using the Mythic(TM) 18 Vet and for biochemical analysis using MNCHIP (TM) Pointcare (R) V2. Hematological analysis yielded 15 variable measurements: granulocyte (GRA), hematocrit (HCT), hemoglobin (HGB), lymphocyte (LYM), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), mean platelet volume (MPV), monocyte (MON), platelet (PLT), platelet distribution width (PDW), procalcitonin (PCT), red blood cell (RBC), red cell distribution width (RDW), and white blood cell (WBC). Biochemical analysis, on the other hand, yielded 16 variable measurements: alanine aminotransferase (ALT), albumin (ALB), ALB/GLO, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), amylase (AMY), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), BUN/CRE, calcium (Ca2+), cholesterol (CHOL), creatinine (CRE), creatine kinase (CK), globulin (GLO), glucose (GLU), phosphorus (P), total bilirubin (TBIL), and total protein (TP)
For the data analysis, the Tukey test was employed to detect the outliers and data points detected as far outliers were eliminated. Normality test was then performed using Shapiro-Wilk test to assess the distribution and variables exhibiting Gaussian distribution were encoded in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program to compute for the descriptive statistics. For data displaying non-gaussian distribution, log transformation and Yeo-Johnson transformation were used. Reference intervals of each parameter were then computed using the parametric method.
People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission:
Jacqueline Rose Alipo-on
Francesca Isabelle Escobar
Jemima Louise Novia
Myles Joshua Tan, MS, MIEEE, MInstP, MIMA
Monica Marie Atienza, DVM
Nouar AlDahoul, PhD