
循环肿瘤细胞 (CTC) 从原发性脱落 肿瘤进入血液,介导癌症向远处器官的血源性扩散。自 定义它们的组成,我们比较了胰腺癌小鼠模型中CTCs与匹配原发肿瘤的全基因组表达谱, 使用抗性表位分离单个CTC 微流体捕获,然后是单细胞RNA 测 序。CTC 与主要 CTC 分开聚集 肿瘤和肿瘤来源的细胞系,显示低增殖特征,干细胞相关基因 Aldh1a2 富集,上皮和间充质标志物的双表型表达,以及 Igfbp5的表达,一种富集在 上皮-基质界面。鼠标以及 人胰腺CTC表现出非常高的基质衍生细胞外基质(ECM)表达 蛋白质,包括SPARC,其敲低 癌细胞抑制细胞迁移和侵袭性。CTCs对基质的异常表达 ECM基因指出它们对癌症扩散到远处的微环境信号的贡献 器官
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The presented dataset comprises the electrical conductivity and relative permittivity data derived from the lower-scale model simulations as a part of multiscale computational modelling of electrical properties of thyroid and parathyroid tissues, which relates to the paper 'Multiscale Model Development for Electrical Properties of Thyroid and Parathyroid Tissues' submitted to IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology.
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Efficiently picking up multiple objects is an emergent challenge for soft robotics. Our work focused on a novel gripper in picking up multiple objects in one grasping trial. The objects contacted softly with multiple elastic wires pre-stretch on the finger skeletons. This integration created a novel hybrid claw that inherited both the stability of the finger skeleton and the soft interaction of the wire.
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This dataset contains parameter values of the model presented by the manuscript titled "Model-Based Extraction of T2D Diagnostic Information from Continuous Glucose Monitoring". The parameters are obtained by first extracting hyperglycemic excursions, i.e. peaks, from continuous glucose data. A simple mathematical model describing glucose homeostasis is fitted to each peak, resulting in a collection of model parameters for each peak.
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Basics of Qualitative Research: Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory
By Juliet Corbin & Anselm Strauss
Publisher: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Publication year: 2008
Print ISBN:9781412906449
Online ISBN:9781452230153
Keywords: culture wars, death, emotion, enemies, pain, Vietnam, war
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Transcribing a theoretical or conceptual paper allows readers to quickly read and reference the spoken material. Transcriptions further benefit deaf and hard-of-hearing people and others who need written translations. Transcribing the content makes it more accessible and valuable for theoretical and conceptual paper writers.
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Although surface coating is commonly utilized in many industries for improving the aesthetics and functionality of the end product, our tactile perception of coated surfaces has not been investigated in depth yet. In fact, there are only a few studies investigating the effect of coating material on our tactile perception of extremely smooth surfaces having roughness amplitudes in the order of a few nanometers.
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