
Dataset for Analysis of a Programmable Quantum Annealer as a Random Number Generator

Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.02573

The raw measurements from the D-Wave quantum annealer are -1/+1 spins. They were converted to binary bitstrings by mapping all -1 spins to 0 states.

The datafiles are .bin files where each bit is time ordered (and fixed hardware-indexed ordered). The number of qubits on the device is 2032, so each group of 2032 bits is one anneal-readout cycle.


An untethered ultrasonic robot (U2sonobot) operating in resonant vibration is developed by integrating dual transducers, an onboard circuit, and a battery. Here, the longitudinal and bending vibrations lead to the out-of-phase swing motion and the alternating acceleration, respectively; these imitate the rotatory galloping gait in terms of the driving feet’s movement pattern and the operating sequence. First, the transducers were designed to gather the resonant frequencies of two vibrations and produce the same node for steadily supporting the other components.


The Reflection Server Tuning dataset contains HiPerConTracer latency measurements performed in a lab setup. The purpose of the dataset is to measure the latency and jitter effects of  firewalls and Linux kernel tuning.


As human-robot interaction rapidly spreads in numerous fields, the subject of robot acceptance gains increasing importance. Visual similarity to the human body, as occurs for humanoids, is generally not enough to guarantee acceptance in physical interaction, as acceptance directly links to comfort and ergonomics, which are measured in terms of the quality of the robot movement perceived by the human. This paper discusses the connection between comfort and similarity of the robot movement to the human one.


Here we analyze the pair entropy function on large numbers by generating sets of pseudo-random numbers and calculating the pair entropy as a function of number of digits. We analyze the statistical behavior of the average entropy, determine that the average entropy grows logarithmically in the asymptotic limit, and discuss the behavior of higher statistical moments. We observe several distinct regions emerge with transitions that depend on the base of the numbers considered.


<p>we consider GPT-4 to generate dialogues according to designed causal structures. Specifically, we, for simplicity, assumed all dialogues are composed of 4 utterances rotating from 2 speakers and designed 4 causal structures to manifest different causal relationships. Along with the designed generating rules according to 4 causal structures, we adopted gpt-4-0314 and Chat Completion api to commence dialogue generation. Below is an example dialogue of the Chain IV from our dataset:
1. Have you seen a dog around here recently?


MR is a textual dataset of movie reviews for binary sentiment classification, where each review contains only one sentence. The corpus has 5,331 positive and 5,331 negative reviews with an average length of 20.39 tokens. SST-2 is a subset of the Stanford Sentiment Treebank, where the data are labeled positive or negative, and contains 9,613 utterances with an average length of 20.32 tokens.


BIOKG is a medical Knowledge Graph (KG) constructed using data from numerous biomedical data repositories. It encompasses various types of entities, including diseases, proteins, drugs, side effects, and protein functions. The KG consists of 51 types of directed relations that connect different pairs of entity types. These relations encompass diverse aspects such as drug-drug interactions (39 types), protein-protein interactions (8 types), as well as drug-protein, drug-side effect, and drug-protein function relations.


This dataset comprises detailed evaluations of web accessibility features across 20 major MOOC platforms, based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1. It is intended for researchers, educators, web developers, and policymakers interested in understanding and improving the accessibility of online learning environments. Despite the ongoing advancements in this field, MOOCs platforms still present considerable accessibility challenges for users with disabilities.


Over the past few years YouTube has became a popular site for video broadcasting and earning money by publishing various different skills in the form of videos. For some people it has become a main source to earn money. Getting the videos trending among the viewers is one of the major tasks which each and every content creator wants. Popularity of any video and its reach to the audience is completely based on YouTube's Recommendation algorithm. This document is a dataset descriptor for the dataset collected over the time span of about 45 days during the Israel-Hamas War

