Electromagnetic transients

Following a series of unusual transmission system disturbances involving unexpected IBR behaviors, there has been a significant need for monitoring, control, and protection functions that can help system operators more rapidly understand and respond to these disturbances. The IBR-rich transmission system datakit (IRTSD) is focused on transient disturbances in IBR-rich transmission systems and consists of a dataset, power system model, and automation scripting.


Design information of a real 50 MVA power transformer is available in this dataport. In addition, transient measurements of 4 different configurations are included.

This material has been shared with the authorization of Prof. Alvaro Portillo (Task force leader of JWG A2/C4.52) and the WEG transformer factory. 

We express our deepest gratitude to Prof. Alvaro Portillo and WEG for allowing the use of this information for academic and research purposes.


This data-set consists of 3-phase differential currents of internal faults and 4 other transients cases for Phase Angle Regulators (PAR). The transients other than faults include magnetizing inrush, sympathetic inrush, external faults with CT saturation, and overexcitation conditions.
 PSCAD/EMTDC software is used for simulation of the internal faults and the transients.


It is often the case that the frequency response data of a system or a network is available and one wants to identify a linear equivalent from the frequency response data for time-domain simulations and other purposes. To this end, a variety of methods have been proposed, and the vector fitting (VF) method and the frequency-partitioning fitting (FpF) method are often used for electromagnetic transient (EMT) simulations of power systems.
