Open Access
Ways to Wear a Mask or a Respirator (WWMR-DB)
- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Antonio Marceddu
- Last updated:
- Mon, 05/16/2022 - 11:17
- DOI:
- 10.21227/8atn-gn55
- License:
- Categories:
- Keywords:
The Ways To Wear a Mask or a Respirator Database (WWMR-DB) is a test database that can be used to compare the behavior of current mask detection systems with images that most closely resemble the real case. It consists of 1222 images divided into 8 classes, depicting the most common ways in which masks or respirators are worn:
- Mask Or Respirator Not Worn
- Mask Or Respirator Correctly Worn
- Mask Or Respirator Under The Nose
- Mask Or Respirator Under The Chin
- Mask Or Respirator Hanging From An Ear
- Mask Or Respirator On The Tip Of The Nose
- Mask Or Respirator On The Forehead
- Mask Folded Above The Chin
Each image has two label files: one in PascalVOC format and one in YOLO format. These files contain the bounding boxes of the face of the person, the mask or the respirator, and both.
The database is ready-to-be-used and, due to its size, it was divided into two large files: WWMR-DB - Part and WWMR-DB - Part
The labels are contained in WWMR-DB - file, while Labels assigned to the images.txt file contains information about the labels assigned to each image, which identify the subject number, the depicted class, type of mask or respirator worn and the subject's face rotation.
Due to the limitations imposed by the coronavirus, the database was created by asking volunteers for selfies through Google Forms. For this reason:
- number of images per class
- image quality
- intra-class differences
- rotation of the face
could also have great variations.
For any question, please send an email to
If you will use WWMR-DB dataset for your work, please cite the following paper:
A. C. Marceddu. R. Ferrero and B. Montrucchio, "Mask and respirator detection: analysis and potential solutions for a frequently ill-conditioned problem," 2022 IEEE 46th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 2022.
Dataset Files
WWMR-DB - Part (1.48 GB)
WWMR-DB - Part (1.58 GB)
WWMR-DB - (1.04 MB)
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