Open Access
BioMASS Space Model Dataset Benchmark
- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Candelaria Sansores
- Last updated:
- Tue, 05/17/2022 - 22:21
- DOI:
- 10.21227/42xx-p468
- Data Format:
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This dataset contains the results of the simulation runs of the experiments performed to evaluate and compare the proposed spatial model for situated multi-agent systems. The model was introduced in a paper entitled "BioMASS, a spatial model for situated multiagent systems that optimizes neighborhood search". In this paper we presented a new model to implement a spatially explicit environment that supports constant-time sensory (neighborhood search) and locomotion functions for situated multiagent systems. In contrast, the spatial models currently provided by agent-based modeling and computer simulation (ABMS) platforms have computational costs that grow quadratically with perception range and linearly with the number of agents. This model makes the functions largely independent of the environment size, perception range, and the number of agents. We conduct a theoretical and experimental study of BioMASS compared to other spatial models. Experiments performed using a prey-predator swarm model show that BioMASS significantly outperforms the continuous (Repast toolkit) and hybrid models (Mason toolkit) in terms of execution time, allowing for higher-resolution modeling and simulation of complex systems.
The dataset include a compressed file in zip format. It contains a directory structure as shown below. Each directory is a specific experiment with each simulation toolkit and parameters. Inside each directory there are 50 CSV files, one for echa simulation run. Each file has a header describing the main parameters of the corresponding experiment. We use the Repast Toolkit, and Mason Toolkit to perform a benchmark with the proposed BioMASS spatial model.
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