This is the collection of the Ecuadorian Traffic Officer Detection Dataset. This can be used mainly on Traffic Officer detection projects using YOLO. Dataset is in YOLO format. There are 1862 total images in this dataset fully annotated using Roboflow Labeling tool. Dataset is split as follow, 1734 images for training, 81 images for validation and 47 images for testing. Dataset is annotated only as one class-Traffic Officer (EMOV). The dataset produced a Mean Average Precision(mAP) of 96.4 % using YOLOv3m, 99.0 % using YOLOv5x and 98.10 % using YOLOv8x.
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This dataset contains both the artificial and real flower images of bramble flowers. The real images were taken with a realsense D435 camera inside the West Virginia University greenhouse. All the flowers are annotated in YOLO format with bounding box and class name. The trained weights after training also have been provided. They can be used with the python script provided to detect the bramble flowers. Also the classifier can classify whether the flowers center is visible or hidden which will be helpful in precision pollination projects.
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The project provides trained models of YOLOv3, YOLOv3-SPP, and YOLOv3-tiny for outdoor insulator detection and classification of the surface contamination, such as salt, snow, cement, soil and wet soil. The project is based on YOLOv3 implementation developed by Ultralytics/YOLOv3. The models were trained on custom insulator dataset consisting of 11816 images of different type insulators under various conditions.
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This is the collection of Indian Traffic Sign Detection Dataset. This can be used maily on Traffic Sign detection projects using YOLO. Dataset is in YOLO format. There are 1264 total images in this dataset fully annotated using Labelimg tool. Some augmented datas using techniques like blurring, mosaic etc.. are also present. The dataset has images in 3 different types of traffic signs in India. Dataset is annotated only as one class-Traffic Sign.
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This is the collection of Indian Traffic Sign Detection Dataset. This can be used maily on Traffic Sign detection projects using YOLO. Dataset is in YOLO format. There are 1264 total images in this dataset fully annotated using Labelimg tool. Some augmented datas using techniques like blurring, mosaic etc.. are also present. The dataset has images in 3 different types of traffic signs in India. Dataset is annotated only as one class-Traffic Sign.
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Pedestrian detection has never been an easy task for computer vision and automotive industry. Systems like the advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) highly rely on far infrared (FIR) data captured to detect pedestrians at nighttime. The recent development of deep learning-based detectors has proven the excellent results of pedestrian detection in perfect weather conditions. However, it is still unknown what is the performance in adverse weather conditions.
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