Renewable Energy
Test systems are important tools and benchmark for power system research. Currently, there is a lack of standard test systems for modern transmission expansion planning (TEP) research, especially under high variable renewable energy (VRE) penetrations. This paper describes a 38-bus test system named the HRP-38 system dedicated to TEP. “HRP” stands for high renewable penetration. The objective of establishing such a system is to provide a consistent platform for different TEP methods to be tested and compared.
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This dataset refers to the case study performed in the paper "A Real Options Market-Based Approach to Increase Penetration of Renewables", submitted to IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. The file contains the Midcontinent ISO data used for the day-ahead prices, as well as the wind data from NREL's Wind Integration National Dataset Toolkit which was used to estimate the renewable productions in the case study.
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Research on Optimizing the Integration of Renewable Energy Sources into the Electrical Power Systems
In this project one model the photovoltaic and wind power sources in order to analyze how to optimally integrate them in the electrical power systems. Integration requirements like transient regimes associated with fault occurrence, identification of the electrical power systems responsible for disturbances, and optimization of the integration are focus points of the research.
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