Power systems

This dataset includes the system data and equivalent Distributed Energy Resource (DER) allocations for two test cases: an 11-bus system and a 240-bus radial test feeder. The 11-bus system data is based on the CIGRE Technical Report "Benchmark system for network integration of renewable and distributed energy resources," 575, 2014. The 240-bus is based on the test system described in the paper titled "A time-series distribution test system based on real utility data" by F. Bu, Y. Yuan, Z. Wang, K. Dehghanpour, and A. Kimber, 2019 NAPS Conference, 2019.


Electric power systems are comprised of cyber and physical components that are crucial to grid resiliency. Data from both components should be collected when modeling power systems: data from communication networks and intrusion detection systems; physical telemetry from sensors and field devices.


This dataset contains (1) the Simulink model of a three-phase photovoltaic power system with passive anti-islanding protections like over/under current (OUC), over/under voltage (OUV), over/under frequency (OUF), rate of change of frequency (ROCOF), and dc-link voltage and (2) the results in the voltage source converter and the point of common coupling of the photovoltaic system during islanding operation mode and detection times of analyzed anti-islanding methods.
