Medical Image

Modern deep neural networks are overparameterized and thus require data augmentation techniques to prevent over-fitting and improve generalization ability. Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are famous for generating visually realistic images. However, the generated images lack diversity and have uncertain class labels. On the other hand, recent methods mix labels proportionally to the salient region.


The X-ray image of wrist bone is collected by professional sensing equipment. The radiation of the device is small enough to ensure the health of the subject. In order to ensure the standardization of X-ray images, remove all the handpieces of the left hand during the shooting process. The five fingers of the left hand should be naturally extended, and the palm should be kept downward. In addition, when shooting, the middle finger and forearm must be as straight as possible. The captured images are in DICOM format, with a size of 1626 × 2032 pixels.


The University of Turin (UniTO) released the open-access dataset Stoke collected for the homonymous Use Case 3 in the DeepHealth project ( UniToBrain is a dataset of Computed Tomography (CT) perfusion images (CTP).
