EEG data
Five users aged 23, 25, 31, 42, and 46 participated in the experiment. The users sat comfortably in a chair. A green LED of 1 cm diameter was placed at a distance of about 1 meter from a person's eyes. EEG signals were recorded using g.USBAmp with 16 active electrodes. The users were stimulated with flickering LED lights with frequencies: 5 Hz, 6 Hz, 7 Hz, and 8 Hz. The stimulation lasted 30 seconds. The recorded signals were divided into the data used for training, the first 20 seconds, and the data used for testing, the next 10 seconds, for each signal.
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The data acquisition process begins with capturing EEG signals from 20 healthy skilled volunteers who gave their written consent before performing the experiments. Each volunteer was asked to repeat an experiment for 10 times at different frequencies; each experiment was trigger by a visual stimulus.
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This Dataset contains EEG recordings from epileptic rats. The genetic absence epilepsy rats (GAERS) are one of the best-established rodent models for generalized epilepsy. The rats show seizures with characteristic "spike and wave discharge" EEG patterns. Experiments were performed in accordance with the German law on animal protection and were approved by the Animal Care and Ethics Committee of the University of Kiel.
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This dataset provides the ECG signals recorded in ambulatory (moving) conditions of subjects. The ambulatory ECG (A-ECG) data acquired with two different recorders viz. Biopac MP36 Acquisition system and a self-developed wearable ECG recorder are made available. Total 10 subjects' (with avg. age of 27 years, 1 female and 9 males) ECG signals with four body movements- Left & Right arm up/down, Sitting down & standing up and Waist twist are uploaded.
An EEG signals dataset is also provided here.
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