COVID-19 Tweets

This dataset (MegaGeoCOV Extended), which is an extended version of MegaGeoCOV, was introduced in this paper: A Twitter narrative of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia (the paper will appear in proceedings of the 20th ISCRAM conference, Omaha, Nebraska, USA May 2023). Please refer to the paper for more details (e.g., keywords and hashtags used, descriptive statistics, etc.).


BillionCOV is a global billion-scale English-language COVID-19 tweets dataset with more than 1.4 billion tweets originating from 240 countries and territories between October 2019 and April 2022. This dataset has been curated by hydrating the 2 billion tweets present in COV19Tweets.


This dataset has been developed based on the work of the GeoCOV19Tweets Dataset. The original work by Lamsal, R. runs network analysis on a similar dataset to understand the underlying relationship between countries and hashtags. The work did an analysis on roughly 300k number of [country, hashtag] relations from 190 countries and territories, and 5055 unique hashtags. This work pushes the number of relationships by 3 times.


This India-specific COVID-19 tweets dataset has been curated using the large-scale Coronavirus (COVID-19) Tweets Dataset. This dataset contains tweets originating from India during the first week of each of the four phases of nationwide lockdowns initiated by the Government of India. For more information on filtering keywords, please visit the primary dataset page.



This dataset gives a cursory glimpse at the overall sentiment trend of the public discourse regarding the COVID-19 pandemic on Twitter. The live scatter plot of this dataset is available as The Overall Trend block at The trend graph reveals multiple peaks and drops that need further analysis. The n-grams during those peaks and drops can prove beneficial for better understanding the discourse.


We present GeoCoV19, a large-scale Twitter dataset related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The dataset has been collected over a period of 90 days from February 1 to May 1, 2020 and consists of more than 524 million multilingual tweets. As the geolocation information is essential for many tasks such as disease tracking and surveillance, we employed a gazetteer-based approach to extract toponyms from user location and tweet content to derive their geolocation information using the Nominatim (Open Street Maps) data at different geolocation granularity levels. In terms of geographical coverage, the dataset spans over 218 countries and 47K cities in the world. The tweets in the dataset are from more than 43 million Twitter users, including around 209K verified accounts. These users posted tweets in 62 different languages.


This dataset is very vast and contains Bengali tweets related to COVID-19. There are 36117 unique tweet-ids in the whole dataset that ranges from December 2019 till May 2020 . The keywords that have been used to crawl the tweets are 'corona',  ,  'covid ' , 'sarscov2 ',  'covid19', 'coronavirus '.  For getting the other 33 fields of data drop a mail at "". Code snippet is given in Documentation file. Sharing Twitter data other than Tweet ids publicly violates Twitter regulation policies.    


This dataset is very vast and contains Spanish tweets related to COVID-19. There are 18958 unique tweet-ids in the whole dataset that ranges from December 2019 till May 2020 . The keywords that have been used to crawl the tweets are 'corona',  ,  'covid ' , 'sarscov2 ',  'covid19', 'coronavirus '.  For getting the other 33 fields of data drop a mail at "". Code snippet is given in Documentation file. Sharing Twitter data other than Tweet ids publicly violates Twitter regulation policies.    


This dataset (GeoCOV19Tweets) contains IDs and sentiment scores of geo-tagged tweets related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The real-time Twitter feed is monitored for coronavirus-related tweets using 90+ different keywords and hashtags that are commonly used while referencing the pandemic. Complying with Twitter's content redistribution policy, only the tweet IDs are shared. The tweet IDs in this dataset belong to the tweets created providing an exact location.


This dataset (COV19Tweets) includes CSV files that contain IDs and sentiment scores of the tweets related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The real-time Twitter feed is monitored for coronavirus-related tweets using 90+ different keywords and hashtags that are commonly used while referencing the pandemic. The oldest tweets in this dataset date back to October 01, 2019. This dataset has been wholly re-designed on March 20, 2020, to comply with the content redistribution policy set by Twitter.
