This dataset is in support of my Research paper 'Detection of Pancreatic,Ovarian & Prostate Tumor, Cancer and Treatment by Ablation'.Due to computer crash, all work, datasets and old papers lost. Re-work may be submitted.
For Machine design, pls refer, open-access page 'Data and Designs of B-Machines'
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This dataset is very vast and contains tweets related to COVID-19. There are 226668 unique tweet-ids in the whole dataset that ranges from December 2019 till May 2020 . The keywords that have been used to crawl the tweets are 'corona', , 'covid ' , 'sarscov2 ', 'covid19', 'coronavirus '. For getting the other 33 fields of data drop a mail at "". Twitter doesn't allow public sharing of other details related to tweet data( texts,etc.) so can't upload here.
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This dataset is very vast and contains Spanish tweets related to COVID-19. There are 18958 unique tweet-ids in the whole dataset that ranges from December 2019 till May 2020 . The keywords that have been used to crawl the tweets are 'corona', , 'covid ' , 'sarscov2 ', 'covid19', 'coronavirus '. For getting the other 33 fields of data drop a mail at "". Code snippet is given in Documentation file. Sharing Twitter data other than Tweet ids publicly violates Twitter regulation policies.
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This data set includes Covid-19 related Tweet messages written in Turkish that contain at least one of four keywords (Covid, Kovid, Corona, Korona). These keywords are used to express Covid-19 virus in Turkey. Tweets collection was started from 11th March 2020, the first Covid-19 case seen in Turkey.
Currently dataset contain 4,8 million tweets with 6 different attribute of each tweets that were sent from 9 March 2020 until 6 May 2020.
The data file contains comma separated values (CSV). It contains the following information (6 Column) for each tweet in the data file:
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