
This dataset is in support of proposal(initially submitted to Ministry of Railways, Govt. of India in the year 2017) and 4 Research papers- Design & Analysis of 1.5 MVA 25kV Hybrid Traction Feeder Powered by 415 kW Solar Grid -  Part I , Design & Analysis of 1.5 MVA 25kV Hybrid Traction Feeder Powered by 415 kW Solar Grid -  Part II ,  Design & Analysis of 1.5 MVA 25kV Hybrid Traction Feeder Powered by 415 kW Solar Grid -  Part III and Design & Analysis of 1.5 MVA


The demo data set consists the propagation path distances of AT & T North America Netowork Topology. The geographical node positions (latitude and longitude) along with the adjacency matrix has been found out from International Topology Zoo and the data set has been formed using the available data. This set has been used in Joint localization prolem of Controller and Hypervisor instances in vSDN enebled 5G Network. 
