Behavioral modeling

More than 40% of energy resources are consumed in the residential buildings, and most of the energy is used for heating. Improving the energy efficiency of residential buildings is an urgent problem. The collected data is intended to study a dependence of the dynamics heat energy supply from outside temperature and houses characteristics, such as walls material, year of construction, floors amount, etc. This study will support the development of methods for comparing thermal characteristics of residential buildings and carry out recommendations for the energy efficiency increases.


More than 40% of energy resources are consumed in the residential buildings, and most of the energy is used for heating. Improving the energy efficiency of residential buildings is an urgent problem. The collected data is intended to study a dependence of the dynamics heat energy supply from outside temperature and houses characteristics, such as walls material, year of construction, floors amount, etc. This study will support the development of methods for comparing thermal characteristics of residential buildings and carry out recommendations for the energy efficiency increases.


This dataset aims at providing a toy demo for the comparison between the doubly orthogonal matching pursuit (DOMP) and its predecessor, the OMP.
