Standard Dataset
Raw data for article Calibration of a Hail-Impact Energy Electroacoustic Sensor

- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Florencia Blasina
- Last updated:
- Fri, 07/07/2023 - 11:45
- DOI:
- 10.21227/zfxd-g848
- Data Format:
- License:
- Categories:
- Keywords:
This dataset corresponds to the paper Calibration of a Hail-Impact Energy Electroacoustic Sensor, submitted to IEEE Transactions in Instrumentation and Measurement by Florencia Blasina, Andrés Echarri, and Nicolás Pérez.
The dataset corresponds to the voltage signals acquired regarding several steel-ball impacts on the proposed hail-sensor plate to calibrate it.
In the acquisition process, we used a device of our authorship, called SGran, that permits us to perform several impacts with high repeatability. This includes control of steel-ball drop height and impact position on the targeted element. In this case, the targeted element was an acrylic disk of 25 cm diameter and 1.4 cm height. For the acquisition of the signals, we used two piezoelectric transducers, embedded in the disk, one punctual and positioned at the center and the other a ring covering the edge, connected to a NI6001 acquisition board.
The files vibXX.mat contains each: - data, a two-column matrix containing the voltage waveforms of one impact. Column 1 has the waveform of the central transducer, and column 2 is the waveform of the ring transducer.
- dt, the value of the time step for reconstructing the time vector.
The file signalsInformation.db is an SQLite dataset and contains metadata on each impact:
- id, a unique integer identifier that relates the row in the database to the file vibXX.mat, where XX = id. Some acquisitions (id) resulted in faulty and were deleted, others simply did not correspond to this article and were also deleted, beware.
- iniHeight_cm, the initial height of the dropped ball, in centimeters. The ball is dropped with a null initial velocity.
- diam_mm, the diameter of the dropped ball, in millimeters.
- dist_mm, distance of the point of impact to the center of the plate, in millimeters, measured with a ruler.
- repe, an integer that indicates whether it is a repetition of another acquisition. It does not mean it is a copy, it is a different acquisition with the same characteristics as another one. 1 should be the first acquisition, but in some cases, 1 resulted in faulty and was deleted, beware.
- R1_center_Ohm, is one of the resistors (in Ohms) of the tension divisor used to condition the inputs for the range of the NI acquisition board. For central transducer.
- R1_ring_Ohm, is one of the resistors (in Ohms) of the tension divisor used to condition the inputs for the range of
the NI acquisition board. For ring transducer.
- R2_Ohm, is the other resistor (in Ohms) of the tension divisor used to condition the inputs for the range of
the NI acquisition board. For both transducers.
--> The inputs of the acquisition board measure tension on R2_Ohm. This attenuation should be considered for energy computing.
- bounceHeitht_cm, maximum bounce height in cm, measured from a high-speed-camera video. The default value is 0, in the cases it is 0, the bounce was not measured.